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I would be interested in helping with what I can - if you were to make a Mac build  :-) Love the devlog.

I played a bit with it with a PS5 controller. One thing, is very laggy, there is nothing in the level how can I have frame drops?

I don't mind a static camera, but I feel it's too close to the player right now  and unless I am going forward it's hard to adjust the movement to where I am going.

Lastly I found a bug with the movement and how to trigger it. It trigger when you jump off from a wall keeping the joystick in the direction of the wall, the character after the jump keeps running in the opposite direction of the joystick. The easiest way to trigger it is facing the first wall jump on the small side of the big red box (you want to go forward). Run toward the wall, jump and press A to grab, don't release the stick from going forward, press jump again, keep the stick forward. The character should run toward you now.

Also consider running the game in windowed mode. A nice debug feature would be having the combination of keys pressed on the joystick position on the screen so we could show a gif of what we do and what button we press and at what time to replicate bugs.

I'll wait for the next prototype release.

Thanks for the feedback!

whats sthe movement. im on a keyboard

Sorry! Keyboard input is not optimal, but you can walk using the arrows, and z,x,c for the rest!

Oh. Ok!


I really like this, but only one thing about that: the camera angle is sometimes not the best. Nice game :) !



Overall the game is great, but the controls on keyboard are really janky. I would prefer WASD for movement, SPACE for jump, SHIFT for dash and Q/E/R/F for wall slide.

Nice feeling on game pad.  Sometimes weird position of the character while wall jumping. Camera angle was weird at times (couldn't figure out the depth of platform). Nice exploding surprises!

thanks for testing! Will definitly work on the camera 💪

I submitted to the forum hopefully that helps  one more thing I forgot to put in  maybe when u are wall jumping have the camera zoom out or something and maybe have the camera while jumping lag a bit behind the player to give it that sense of motion  well at least for jumping (but u don't have to take my word lol never really worked with 3d I have only done so like maybe 3 times  but the attempts where not to make a game gl  man)

reminding me i need to change my profile pic lol

You're welcome!